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Mount Up With Wings Like Eagles

May 14, 2011

Mount Up With Wings Like Eagles

In this world of so many different trials and troubles,  it’s easy to slip into  feelings of discouragement.     We might feel  that God doesn’t have a clue about  what we’re going through — or else that  He doesn’t care.     Some might even think that God  doesn’t have the ability to help us.     Of course,  none of that is true.

Consider the almighty power it took  to create  all of creation — from humongous stars down to a particle of soil  that has the ability  to provide nutrition  for all the plants around us.     There is more wisdom  and power there  than we can imagine.

Isaiah 40:28-31  has a reminder for us when we feel discouraged.     There we are reminded,

Do you not know?     Have you not heard?
The Everlasting God,  the LORD,  the creator of the ends of the earth
Does not become weary or tired.
His understanding is inscrutable.
He gives strength to the weary,
 And to him who lacks might  He increases power.
Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

When we feel down and out — just tired of struggling — we need to go to the LORD God who made us.     We know.     We have heard.     The LORD is almighty.     He never gets tired.     He has more understanding about what is going on than we can ever imagine.     So, there’s no sense in imagining God doesn’t understand or care.     That would be like accusing the holy Lord of all  of something  that simply is not true.

The LORD is our only real hope  for strength.     But,  there is one condition…….      Strength for another challenge  is given to  “those who wait for the LORD”.     We have to trust God’s timing,  just because His wisdom  and love  is so much greater than ours.     We can feel like  we’re at the end of our rope,  but we need to  “wait for the LORD”.

It’s a challenge.     God’s way of knowing  is different from ours.     God’s people waited for thousands of years  for His promised Savior — and Jesus was sent  at just the right time,  all in fulfillment of many different prophecies.

We might think,  “Thousands of  years!     Aaaach!”     But,  that’s not the point.     It’s just an example  of God putting together  many intricate details  into many different prophecies,  by many different prophets — and yet it all came true  in the one man, Jesus Christ.     God’s way  shows us to perfection  that there is no doubt  that Jesus is the Savior  and that there is no other way  to heaven.

When God pays  that much attention to detail,  we know He cares about  the details in our lives, too.     So, we  “wait for the LORD”   patiently  and let Him give us  the strength we need one day at a time.

In faith we  “mount up with wings like eagles”  and trust that our Lord  will carry us through.     Then,  we say,  “Hallelujah!     Lord, as You care for us,  You know how to strengthen us  in the true faith,  so that we can be pure and holy,  a glory to Your holy name.”


… Hallelujah Chorus

A Christian devotional to glorify the LORD of lords and King of kings…

Pray for our country


2 Comments leave one →
  1. Ndu Nnamdi permalink
    September 14, 2011 9:42 am

    I wish 2 xtend my hrtfelt apreciations 4 ur world of encouragement.tx so much! Pray dt i mount up wd wings of d eagles.God bles.

  2. September 14, 2011 8:15 pm

    Hi Ndu,

    Yes, I will pray that you mount up with wings like eagles, as you wait patiently, and trust in our LORD’s love to work all things according to His wisdom. As we look to God for the strength we need, our hearts need to be filled with songs of praise for the salvation He freely gives us in Jesus Christ.


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