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Because We Trust

March 12, 2016


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Because We Trust

Being able  to trust someone  or something  makes a person feel good  and confident.     There is a peace  in being able  to rest  in that trust.     When the writer of Psalm 33 described  many wonderful things  that the LORD  has done,  he just had to say  in verse 21,

For our heart rejoices  in Him,
Because  we trust  in His holy name.

When the psalmist reasoned,  because  we trust  in His holy name,  he was referring  to all  of God’s reputation,  fame,  and glory.     God’s glory  is seen  in all  of creation  and in the fulfillment  of His prophecies.     These things  are daily assurances  of God’s power,  love,  and trustworthiness.     They are all a witness  to the truth  of God’s testimony  throughout the Bible.

Just before Jesus’ suffering  and death,  He celebrated the Last Supper  with His disciples.     He spoke to them  at length  to prepare them  for the suffering  they would endure  as He would suffer  and die  for the sins  of the world.   (John, chapters 13-17)    He prepared their hearts  for realizing later on  what His suffering  and death  would accomplish  for everyone.     Though they didn’t fully understand  all Jesus said,  they realized God’s  faithful love  and control  over all things.

In mentioning  that they would suffer  great sorrow,  Jesus promised  in John 16:22,

Therefore  you too  have grief now;  but I will see you again,  and your heart  will rejoice,  and no one  will take your joy away  from you.

In foretelling their sorrow  and grief,  Jesus promised a real,  lasting “joy”  that absolutely no one  could take away  from them.     They could “rejoice” later  because they trusted  in God’s  “holy name”.

As we view the testimony  of God’s “holy name”  throughout creation  and the fulfillment  of His prophecies,  may we come  to “trust” Him  and “rejoice”  in Him forever,  saying,  “Hallelujah!     LORD,  thank You  for showing us  Your glory  in Your word  and creation.”



A Christian devotional  to glorify  the LORD of lords  and GOD of gods.

Pray for our country.


Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus



The LORD  made this day, let us rejoice  and be glad  in Him.

Psalm 118:24


The word of the LORD is tried;

He is a shield  to all  who take refuge  in Him.

Psalm 18:30


Sing for joy  in the LORD,  O you righteous ones;

Praise is becoming  to the upright.

Psalm 33:1


How blessed are those  who dwell  in Thy house!

They are ever praising Thee.

Psalm 84:4


Just as a father  has compassion  on his children,

So the LORD  has compassion  on those who fear Him.

Psalm 103:13


O give thanks  to the LORD,  for He is good;

For His lovingkindness  is everlasting.

Psalm 107:1


Glory in His holy name;

Let the heart  of those who seek the LORD  be glad.

Psalm 105:3




Not that I have already obtained it,  or have already  become perfect, but I press on  in order that  I may  lay hold  of that for which also  I was laid hold of  by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:12








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